Thursday, January 24, 2008
The music issue
I did go a little far with my "Christian of Christ Follower" on the music issue. But we don't know what kind of music Jesus listened to so we can't say what kind of music is right or wrong. I've heard people say that rap is evil. It's like a gun, it can be used for evil. But it can also be used for good! The gun itself isn't bad. The same with rap. The beat isn't bad. It's the lyrics that can be bad. The same with rock or pop or fill in the blank. Whatever, as long as the lyrics glorify God then I don't believe the beat matters. Feedback would be appreciated.
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Dude just admit your wrong and quit trying to justify what you said earlier.
No I'm not going to just admit I'm wrong because I'm not! I'm sorry but I'm not going to back down from this issue.
Well, neither am I.
Well lets see.... why do you keep saying "we don't know what kind of music Jesus listened to" he was a Jew and participated in all the Jewish holiday's and stuff! And we know for a fact what kind of music Jews have!
Timothy I is right we know the music that the Jewish people of the time listened to and it sure wasn't rap.
Oh? What kind of music do they have? Or just show me in the bible where it says that a certain kind of music is bad?
I never said that the bible says any kind of music is bad. I just said that you were wrong about the fact that we don't know what kind of music that Jesus listened to.
Dang dude! when you stick your foot in your mouth you sure do a good job of it! lol. I'm not saying anything about your music, What i am saying is we are not to be of the world and what you were saying earlier was not right "Christians need to guard their hearts but not completely block out the world!" thats just not what the Bible says!
We can't reach the world if we don't reach out to them. I'm not saying that we need to like be in the world and love it. I'm just saying that if we're out they're in the world we have a better chance of reaching the lost.
Thats not what you where saying earlier! I mean come on Duh! we ARE in the world we know that! and ya we need to reach out to them! but not with worldly ways!
Hey if you guys are gonna be on my blog so much could you vote on my poll? And also I still don't think we know what kind of music the jews had in Jesus' time. We know what kind of music they had like 500 years ago maybe but not 2000 years ago! Get back to me. And vote on my poll. :D
What would you consider "worldly ways"?
hey i'm just curious what your actual issue is?
Don't know what you mean?
what is your worry if the music you listen to is Christian?
Because I don't think there's any point to fill our minds with temptations. I know that sounds all spiritual but I didn't mean it to. I just dont think we should listen to secular music. You can have the same beats and rythms with christian music, so why not listen to christian?
sniff*. Nobodys voting on my poll. :( I'm hurt. lol jk plz vote on my poll though.
ya i fully agree that we shouldn't listen to secular music thats what i said earlier but you didn't seem to be meaning that by your previous posts and about your poll i like Christian in general not a specific genre
So why have we been arguing the past couple of hours? lol my bad. plz oh plz vote on my poll!
what you said earlier was not all about music!lol Just be careful what you say!lol
Oh and about Jewish music do some research man its been around a lot longer than that!lol
I just meant in Jesus' time not the whole history of Jewish music! And who voted for rock?!?! You were supposed to vote for RAP!! lol jk
thats what im talking about(Jesus time)do some research! really! lol
no comprende'. What are you talking about? What do you think I'm talking about? lol I'm lost...
I just meant in Jesus' time not the whole history of Jewish music! Is what you said explain!
oh ok gotcha! But really who voted for rock?
"Or just show me in the bible where it says that a certain kind of music is bad?"
Uh, well it doesn't say that smoking or drugs is bad in the Bible, does that make them good?
Wow wherd you come from? If you really love God you'll know what's wrong or right.
Lol! I'm was only illustrating that you can't use a generalization to justify something. Because it won't work across the board.
And "If you really love God you'll know what's wrong or right" isn't a true statement!!!! Paul said that he didn't know what sin was unless he had known the law. (Check out Romans chapter 7, verse 7 specifically)
We're humans and there is nothing inherently good about us... we aren't perfect, we all sin! "The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can know it?" and all that.
The only way Christians can know what is wrong or right is to read the Bible to see what God says, obey His commands and apply His principles.
And FYI I was trying to vote for the longest time, but it only just recently let me.
Would guys get off his back and get a life!!!!! He apologized and clarified. If you guys have the time to post comments on this blog every day, and I'm looking at the posts and you guys are, you seriously need a social life. Leave the guy alone and find something important to do instead . I have to say that you aren't setting a very Christ-like example, in fact you're doing just what the Pharisees did. They counted grains of cinnamon to make sure they were giving an exact tenth. You are bickering over little issues when the un-saved world around is going to hell. Step back and put this in perspective for a minute.
Um I only posted comments one day...and I never claimed to be a good or even decent Christian, I just said that he didn't sound very Christian from what he said.
and before you say anything about that he never claimed that either, but his blog page says that he is a jesus freak, and its a little funny that someone named jesus freak is the name of the person defending him.
Jesus Freak, are you Nick's little sister?
LOL who's "jesus freak" I only posted on the 24th! And what do you consider important?... And you said "take a stand for something important" And it looks like you took a stand! but you just said this wasn't important???
I AGREE WITH JESUS FREAK You ARE bickering over little issues when the un-saved world around us is going to hell.
Y'ALL, I mean come on seriously if you are going to insult me use more intelligent language. =)
1 Corinthians 10:31: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God".
Music is a tool, be it for good or evil. Just like paper. You can write verses or curses. From August Burns Red to The Gaithers, The Devil Wears Prada to Chris Tomlin. Give glory to the One, in all that you do. Music included.
The Free Christian Music Blog
This is a free country JAMES I'll say what I want to. Oh and FYI, I'm NOT insulting you or anyone else I was talking to everyone so stop thinking the world revolves around you
nothing to say james?
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